Re: Budding audiophile/vinyl questions
One other point: If your looking at equipment, don't be afraid of low wattage tube stuff. It can be finicky sometimes (tube biasing, etc.) and require certain types of speakers to really sing, but IMO it gets no better than a 300b SET tube amp through a decent set of speakers.
Your room and music taste (volume and content) will dictate the system more than anything else. If you don't have a huge room and aren't going to rock out at insane levels, smaller systems can sound very sweet at a fraction of the price. If you know what you want, look at audiogon dot com for used equipment.
For not much $, a Jolida integrated (I just sold mine used for $350 with new tubes) and Soliloquy 5.3 (used < $1k) speakers are incredible.
Enjoy the search.