Originally Posted by Tristan
Nice job on your RIS attenuation! Looking at your CAP recipe, where's the 6 row brother? I'd take half of that 2-row and sub 6-row and then sub Pilsner malt for the other half.  6 Row really adds another dimension! Also, I'd save the MO for an English beer. When CAPs were brewed back in the day they didn't have any fancy malts! Also, I like corn a whole hell of a lot; I tried Rice and it's not for me. Just my 2 cents.
Also, if you like noble hops, Perle for bittering and Saaz/Tettnang for flavor/aroma is an awful nice combination  If you want super classic pre-prohibition and like cat piss flavor try cluster hops LOL.
Yeah... that great attenuation made a fairly hot beer. We'll see what time does on that.
I will take your advice on the Pils... for the second batch. I wanted to stray just a bit on the first batch since it will be for my BMC friend that helped me build the stand. I want him to see that beer can have flavor and be simple. I think I will go with the Perle, Saaz/Tettnang on both batches though. Nice idea... I'll keep my cascades for IPA and AIPAs. They really don't have a place here. And the corn... I am still 50/50 on that... what do you see as an advantage compared to rice? I do rice 'cause its easy, but I guess corn would be just as if not easier. Do you still cereal mash it?