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Old 04-04-2011, 07:38 AM   #23
Posts: n/a
Default Re: not doing my research bit me in the butt

I'll agree with previous posters when they say "To each, their own". I've had my iPhone 4 since August last year, and still love it. I've had no reception issues (other than in my seemingly lead lined office, wheere nothing seems to get reception), and have not had call dropping issues like many others have. I've taken a ton of great pictures with it (including all the vacation pictures on my facebook page from Greece), and use the other functions of it almost daily. Got a few apps that work well for me, too.

I also have had great luck with other Apple products, as well. A couple years ago, we bought a used Mac off a friend who had upgraded (this was a business machine, and he's in medical animation), and it's still working SMOOTHLY with nary a hiccup. We also have a MacBook that the wife got a couple years ago that still screams along very smoothly. The PC based machines we've had have been collecting dust while we use the other Macs a LOT more. We'll have to replace them less often than we would the PCs, and not have to add on all the antivirus/spykiller/etc. software that it seems is necessary with PCs (Yes, I do know that Macs are vulnerable, as well). That is one thing that I think makes Macs woth the cost for me, is the seemingly longer life on them.

Everyone in the family (kids and grandpa, included) has iPods, and are happy with them, and the wifey and I just got an iPad 2, as well. My iPod is a staple for the car, at the office, while running or biking, travelling, etc.

Obviously, not everyone likes their products (and same may want a plane to drop on Steve Jobs head), but they work well for what we need them to, and everyone in our family finds them easy to use. I'm not going to say that everyone should use them, but just give different products a try and see if they work for you (and this applies to just about anything of significance that you may purchase, too).
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