Thread: Puppy advice
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Old 12-16-2008, 03:40 PM   #10
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Default Re: Puppy advice

I'll agree with the others and say that they will indeed sort it out themselves but by no means should you leave them alone unsupervised. What we tell clients at work who are introducing a new pup to the family is to keep the pup in a different room with a closing door and let them smell each other from under the door. This will prevent any hostility (and danger) that can come with introducing a new animal to the household.

When you are home, have regular supervised sessions with everybody and when the dogs are gentle with or even ignore the pup reward them either with treats or good old fashion praise. It can be tricky sometimes because dogs are pack animals so they can be very stubborn especially if one of them believes they are the alpha dog.

Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions and I'll be glad to help as much as I can.
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