Originally Posted by alfredo_buscatti
Yes, DPG and Mr. Johnson seem to agree that sourcing tobacco from one farm in some way adds to a cigar's quality. How does said tobacco add to the quality?
In my mind it is the blending and the quality of the constituent tobaccos that are the critical points.
Originally Posted by NotFromHere
Perhaps in terms of pride, but I can't imagine that it makes for a better smoke.
Don't get me wrong, Pepin's blends are at the top of my list of favorite smokes. And, while the tobacco from this farm may be exceptional, I can't see that "single source" exceptional tobacco is necessarily better than carefully blended exceptional tobacco from multiple sources.
You'll get no debate from me there gentlemen, I agree completely, and everyone in the business has their own opinion on where the most exceptional tobacco comes from.
One thing of note, FWIW, the farm where Pepin grows the tobaccos that go into the La Verites is his, in his opinion, his best land, best farm and where his best tobacco comes from. It was interesting walking around the farm with him, we would walk through an area and he'd say that he grows such and such tobacco here for tripa, and he'd point to an area off in the corner and say he grows some other tobacco over there for capa & capote, and so on. Just like the farmers who grow the grapes for high end wines, he knew every square foot of his land.