Originally Posted by Resipsa
The question that comes to my mind is what exactly are you trying to do?
If you're looking to connect a blu ray player so that you can access BD-Live! features, Justin is correct and see that thread.
If what you're trying to do is connect a blu-ray player to your network so that you can stream content to other locations in your house, no, there is no solution that I know of although I could be wrong. Even if you can you would run into a bandwidth problem unless you were running on an "N" network.
As to HD digital boxes again the question is what are you trying to do? My Directtv is on my network through a wired connection so depending on your service and box type, yes it's possible to connect a HD TV box to the network.
What I am trying to do, if possible, is to watch a TV signal wirelessly on a laptop. I checked out the "slingbox" and I also saw the thread about the wireless bridge and was trying to figure out if I could run a wirelss router on my cable box and run another wireless router on my network and watch TV on my laptop. The slingbox sure looks like the way to go but more expensive than an additional router.
Now if I can connect the TV to the network router with wire, that would work too. Is that what you did? Can you watch TV on your network?
Thanks for the info.