Thread: I need advice
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Old 04-01-2011, 09:34 AM   #8
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Default Re: I need advice

Here's my advice:

I'm trying to work my way into Marketing myself. I don't have any traditional training on the subject but what I do know is that I have worked hard to develop those skills through other avenues.

The first thing that one of my mentors had me do is a positioning statement.

(Google Positioning Statement)

Start with that. If you can't market yourself, you'll have a hard time convincing any employer that you can market their products.

Once you figure that out. Put yourself on the market so to speak. Consider yourself a brand. What do you offer? And what is the reason for a potential employer to believe that?

I've always found that when I had no direction, I would simply explore all directions. Contact every employer in your area that may have a need for a person with your skills. Interview your behind off. At the very least, if you go for the interview and it's not something your interested in, you've developed your interviewing skills. And trust me, many interviews are intended to be difficult. You can never have too much experience in this area.

A great deal of things in life present themselves when you least expect them. Whatever you do, doing nothing is a sure-fire way to guarantee nothing will happen. So, do a self-evaluation. Look inside yourself before looking to the outside world for direction. I think if you contemplate it long enough and carefully enough, you will find the answer you're looking for to be more evident than you realize.

In any event. Make sure when you type up your resume you get it proofread about a gazillion times before you submit it. Some employers are very harsh when it comes to typos, finding one typo on a resume may land it in the rubbish bin. A resume should reflect your efforts at perfection and attention to detail and organization.

I know this is a cigar board and it's not that serious to have a typo on here (lord knows I do it all the time) but practicing this skill in places like this will sharpen and hone it into second nature.

Hope that helps.

Good luck.
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