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Old 03-30-2011, 11:46 AM   #2074
Gravy Boat Winnah.
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by iRiSh View Post

Thanks Bud. What Reason can an ordinary Joe give for him/Her to carry a gun around with them in their day to day lives?
In a "shall issue" state, you don't need to give a reason. Part of the whole "keep and bear arms" right. No law says you can't.
There are, however usually federal or state restrictions, such as no carry inside security at an airport, in a post office, in a school or on school property (with some exeptions), in a court facility. (In my state at least.)

Worth some thought about whether the government can "grant" rights, or simply restrict them. Which gets into a philosophical discussion we can't really have here.
Some days call for a stiff Pomade.
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