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Old 03-30-2011, 09:13 AM   #26
Captain Cannoli
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Default Re: Debit Card Fraud

Originally Posted by Starscream View Post
I'm not sure how, but my wife's debit card number was stolen. $225 was charged on her card for an online poker site. Neither of us gamble or play poker online. She called the bank, they deactivated her card and are in the process of sending her a new card. Looks like I'm out $225 b/c we noticed the transaction 4 days later. If we noticed it w/in 48hrs of the time the transaction took place, we would have only been responsible for $50 of it, but being 2 days after that time, it looks like we're responsible for up to $500 of it.

Anyone been hit up with debit card fraud before? Is there a way to recover the $225 or are we just SOL at this point?
It might be time to switch banks. Bank of America has a zero liability policy on fraud. They can be douchebags, but they have their good points too.

"One fart can foul the air for everyone" - Esteemed philosopher
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