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Old 03-30-2011, 09:01 AM   #2072
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by iRiSh View Post
Great thread.

What criteria do you have to match in the states for buying a gun?
Is it the same for say machine gun and handgun?

I have to laugh, in Ireland there is a big market for Airsoft Guns
See this site

Toy guns compared to the real deal stuff in this thread
Any firearm purchase from a licensed dealer (FFL) must first submit a NIC test. National Instant Check is a federal database the FBI runs to let FFL dealers know if their potential customer is a felon (and therefore not allowed to buy a firearm). Some states do allow felons to get firearms but this is not the general rule, but a very rare exception under specific circumstances. Most felons are not even allowed to be in a home with firearms.

Anyway, any record of that NIC process is supposed to be destroyed within 24 hours. The federal gov got caught violating this law under President Clinton. Some personal sales (not from FFL dealer to customer, but person to person) do not have to be run through the NIC process, but this varies by state.

Handguns are often regulated more strictly. Again it varies by state. In Michigan you have to get a purchase permit first (process includes a background check similar to the federal one), unless you have a concealed pistol license (allowing you to carry concealed), the FFL will still run a NIC, and that handgun's serial number must be registered under your name in a statewide database. Texas and some other states do not require registration of handguns or the purchase permit process. Some districts and cities have even banned handguns, but those laws are being struck down due to a recent supreme court ruling.

Carrying is another thing altogether. Some 45+ states allow for concealed carry in some form. 40 or so have "shall issue" laws meaning that the state must grant a concealed carry permit unless they have reason not to (i.e. DUI, certain other misdemeanors, and of course felony convictions). The list of disqualifications also varies by state. I've had my Michigan concealed pistol license for almost 9 years. Michigan's permit is valid for me to carry in some 35+ states as well. Gotta love reciprocity.

Hope that is clear as mud.
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