Originally Posted by landhoney
Had these last night:
Ephraim, DIPA - Hill Farmstead Brewery (growler)
#17 on BA's American Beers best of list - ( http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/22511/62172)
Brewdog - Tactical Nuclear Penguin
Brewdog - Abstrakt AB:03
Brewdog - something else, forgot the name
Malheur Brut Noir
The Bruery - Provision Series, Gunge Gulunga - 100% Brett
Alpine Beer Company - Ichabod Ale - sour pumpkin beer
Cigar City - Oak Aged Seabass (growler)
Maybe one or two others, but this is all I recall last night.
You might as well be speaking Chinese to me with this list.
I'm sure they were all great!