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Old 03-26-2011, 08:29 AM   #608
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw View Post
So I think I've resolved to get a corn cob pipe to start out with, what types of tobacco should I be looking for to start out with? Is there anything else, other than pipe cleaners that I'll need? How often can I smoke out of the same cob pipe, will I be ok at once or twice a week?
Get yourself a pipe tamper too.

Do you have a tobacconist nearby, one that has someone working there who smokes a pipe? That'd be the best thing. There is something to be said from learning from someone live and in person about how to fill, light, tamp, and smoke a pipe correctly.

I know it may sound silly, but it is true. Yes, I had a friend tell me once that it should be as simple as "stuff the tobacco in one end, apply fire to it, suck on the other end... how hard can it be?"

Every single one of those aspects can make pipe smoking a pleasure or a royal pain in the posterior.

Filling the pipe properly is essential, but there are a number of ways to do it which will work well.
Getting an even burn at the beginning is essential, and here's where a tamper is a must. (a tamper is very cheap, a pipe nail will run about $1 - and a Czech tool about $2 - either works well)
Smoking gently saves your tongue from feeling like you held a blowtorch to it for a half hour.
Pipe cleaners should be by your side while smoking. If you hear a gurgle put a pipe clearner though your pipe (do not take your pipe apart while warm to do this, just run the cleaner through it)

If you really think you'll enjoy smoking, get yourself a cheaper Savinelli, they are great pipes and usually one of the easiest to break in.

If you're only going to smoke once a week, one pipe will do fine. For optimal smoking pleasure, 2 or three days between smoking a pipe is best as it allows the pipe to dry out between smokes. This keeps the pipe smoking fresher. It is for this reason that people have more than one pipe. Those who smoke a few bowls a day will have more pipes than those who smoke a bowl a couple times a week. Or, there are the collectors who buy pipes as art AND for their smoking ability.

Sorry for rambling.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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