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Old 03-25-2011, 07:06 PM   #2036
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

cali law states that clips must be perm. attatched, and you must top load through the open bolt, a speed loader doesnt work to great if your in a hurry. it is a felony for a clip that holds more than 10 rds, all clips must have a block installed, you can have a 50 rd mag but when rangers show up that 11th rd = time. Military can have 10 plus, but if the ranger is a dXXk good luck. like game hunting, if ir tube feeds more than 3, out of luck. Been stopped by a ranger they been cool with proper id for hi cap mags, but there is that one. Buddy has a belt fed ar15, cant wait to meet the rangers on that one, but rabbits breed fast and you gotta keep up. keep shooting, theres always targets