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Old 03-25-2011, 02:55 PM   #2024
Anything can go wrong
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post
Interesting conversation at the range today.

I went to shoot my Mossberg and they have a rifle range that they allow you to shoot buckshot or slugs.

I bought some 00 Buck and he asked if I needed some to bring home as well as shoot.

I mentioned that I use #7 birdshot at home for defense and explained that the reason is to avoid overpenetration as my daughter's room is across the house. I also said I felt that steel birdshot at close range will make a bad day for an intruder.

He went on to say that if a crack head invaded my house on drugs, birdshot would make him angry and might not drop him.

While I disagree, it has me thinking about loading 2 birdshots, then getting more serious after and leaving the last 3 as buck shot.

While I am nervous about the prospect of remodeling or rebuilding the house after shooting buckshot, it sure beats the alternative.
Here's an article about using birdshot for defense: While I don't use birdshot for home defense, it could be a viable option. I would load some 00 buck shells behind the birdshot for piece of mind, because if they're still coming after taking 2 rounds of birdshot at close range you've got some big problems...
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