Re: Kids and cleaning advice
Originally Posted by piperman
Well, I have a fifteen year old daughter and I have been doing all that stuff for eight years and I have come to the conclusion they are brain dead and don't care what you really want or try to teach them. Maybe it's the friends they keep or there will for independence. She had everything a kid could want and need, Xbox, computer, DVD, stereo, TV. Cell Phone, IPOD and eventually lost it all and did not give a crap, rather go hang with her friends. So in other-words what i'm getting to is do what you think is right but be prepared it may not work. Good luck.
You are coming up on a time where you control the biggest thing in most kids' life, her driver's license and access to the car keys. Potent weapon but a little scary. I have seen a lot of kids get back in line when the threat to withhold driving until age 18 raises its ugly head.
Jimmy, some of its magic, some of its tragic, but I had a good life all the way. He Went to Paris, J. Buffett