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Old 03-24-2011, 08:33 PM   #13
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Default Re: Kids and cleaning advice

Originally Posted by wayner123 View Post
Is it only the chores that are a problem? Do they talk back? Act out when punished? Etc?
Chores are the biggest challenge right now-they've learned my motto-you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. Meaning they can throw all the fits they want and it won't result in me changing my mind. My 8 year old is quite strong willed-probably every bit as stubborn as me and too smart for her own good and stirs up most of the drama and will throw fits about not getting her way. But we never cave into demands like that and she just goes to her room or whatever. She also claims to "hate" peanut butter, so she's gotten doses of that a few times if she gets too far out of line. She'll literally try to make herself throw up from it, so the threat of that often shapes her up.

For the most part, they're really good kids, but it's time for them to learn about stepping up their roles around the house because my wife is quite busy between home schooling them 3x/week in addition to having our son for the mornings (he's almost 4 and with autism, so that is another experience in itself). He's quite the tornado in the house, but we're fair in our belief that he doesn't have quite the same standards we're trying to hold the girls to.
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