Kids and cleaning advice
This may come as a shock to you, but my 6 and 8 year old daughters aren't fond of helping do chores around the house. I know-I'm the only father that's experienced such behavior when it comes to cleaning around the house. Often times, they prefer to stir up drama/complain to the point that they act as though they don't know what to do or whether they should have to do it than if we had just done it ourselves and you'd rather just shut them up and send them to bed. Obviously, that's not an acceptable outcome.
I'm ready to get hardcore about this to get them much more motivated to start pulling more of their weight to help relieve some of that burden off of us. Any specific things you'd recommend? Obviously, there has to be a consequence for not doing their chores, but just trying to figure out that has the most success. I figure I could do it from a perspective where I literally strip them of all of their toys/luxuries they can earn back and keep as they do their assigned jobs or start stripping away stuff bit by bit the first instance they don't fulfill their jobs. No TV/Wii/iPods until they've done their work either by any means.
Are there any more seasoned parents out there with any tips in this area?