Originally Posted by Chainsaw13
Just got back from the doctors this morning. Finally some good news. Been going through some issues of late with my blood tests. My cholesterol is right at 200. HDL needs to come up a skosh, but still not bad. Triglycerides were excellent too. Guess cutting back on the carbs really does work.
The other good news is I can go back to smoking cigars. Well, he didn't necessarily say that, but it's not like I have to quit. My hemoglobin was elevated at the last test, meaning my blood had too many red blood cells. The blood they drew today will show what's the cause of that.
The only bad part was nearly passing out as they drew the vials of blood. My blood sugar mustve crashed hard. Laid down for a few minutes and drank a Coke and was as good as new.
Your high RBC count could be simply because you may have been a bit dehydrated (less fluid, so higher RBC percentage), but also because of primary or secondary polycythemia. I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night, but I did just have a pathophysiology test yesterday that covered this very topic.