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Old 03-24-2011, 04:27 PM   #606
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Default Re: New Pipe Smoker With A Question? Ask an Old Fart

Originally Posted by oooo35980 View Post
So the wife allows me a certain amount for cigars, she didn't say anything about pipes though. What would be the best way to try out pipe smoking? I just want to give it a shot to see if I enjoy it or not. Picking up a cheap pipe at the store sufficient for that? Or should I buy a decent pipe to start out with so I don't end up not liking it because of a crappy pipe? Also what's a good tobacco to grab for a first try?
As suggested, a cob is a great way to go, but get rid of the filter insert after the second bowl and don't replace it with anything.

As for tobacco to try? I find that hard to say. Why? Well, I tried burleys - almost never smoked a pipe after that, I don't like burley.

I'd suggest getting a number of different things to try: Aromatic, Burley, full English, light English, Virginia, Virginia with Perique, and an Oriental. You may like all of them. You may like one or two of them. You may like none of them.

My suggestion is to go to the Cornell & Diehl website and look around Then, give them a call and ask to talk to Patty Tarler. Tell her Pastor Jerabek from Embarrass, WI told you to call her - she is knowledgable and will treat you well. C&D is a good place to start because they do a good job. They sell clean tobacco, by that I mean their product comes without a lot of propylene glycol on their tobaccos making them burn clean and easy. They do come a lot "drier" than most other pipe tobaccos, but that isn't a bad thing at all. They will also give you a decent deal on a sampler package and ship it directly to you.

If you want another something to try, ask for a pound of their Hoover Mix - it is $11.50 a pound - and it is nothing more than tobacco that has fallen from their attempts at mixing. I have gotten a pound on a couple of occasions, it is never the same. It is however, a nice change of pace. I have a friend that smokes only that, he said it is like smoking something different everytime he opens up the bag.

Of course, if you'd rather call another shop and ask for some similar treatment, go for it.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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