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Old 03-23-2011, 08:23 PM   #12
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Default Re: Review terminology

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
I personally hate when people say "barnyard smell". I for one believe 2 things
1. 99% of these people have never smelled a barnyard
2. They say this because everyone else does. (oh yeah barnyard definitely big on this one) I almost disregard reviews completely when I hear this, I certainly stop the videos.

I would accept, hay or straw or something of that sort though. To me a barnyard would probably smell foul or filthy or like animals. I don't think cigars smell like that, at all. If they did I probably wouldn't smoke them.

What I do is this, I smoke a cigar in my head I remember what I taste. Then I compare my notes (mental notes, no one including myself could read my writing) to other reviews (often by the vendors or other members of CA). Usually I'm shooting 90%+ on what other people pick up. I might miss a bit here and there, but as long as the review isn't done by a professional food taster that can pick out every last spice/seasoning I'm not doing too bad.
A barnyard is the yard adjacent to a barn. Doesn't usually smell that foul unless there are pigs or something in there. Inside the barns are pretty rough sometimes, but the yard is outside so it's not so gross usually. If you want to describe a hay or grassy smell barnyard is pretty accurate.
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