I personally hate when people say "barnyard smell". I for one believe 2 things
1. 99% of these people have never smelled a barnyard
2. They say this because everyone else does. (oh yeah barnyard definitely

....no big

on this one) I almost disregard reviews completely when I hear this, I certainly stop the videos.
I would accept, hay or straw or something of that sort though. To me a barnyard would probably smell foul or filthy or like animals. I don't think cigars smell like that, at all. If they did I probably wouldn't smoke them.
What I do is this, I smoke a cigar in my head I remember what I taste. Then I compare my notes (mental notes, no one including myself could read my writing) to other reviews (often by the vendors or other members of CA). Usually I'm shooting 90%+ on what other people pick up. I might miss a bit here and there, but as long as the review isn't done by a professional food taster that can pick out every last spice/seasoning I'm not doing too bad.