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Old 03-22-2011, 02:55 PM   #45
MassHole Militia
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Default Re: Are you a collector or are you a smoker?

Originally Posted by CRIMPS View Post

There are a couple of thoughts that run through my head each time I open my humidor.
  • That is a special stick... for a special occasion.
  • I only have one of those. I don't want to smoke it now.
  • Holding on to this stick, I want to share it with a friend.
  • This cigar needs a little more time.

But, most of all, it seems like I am starting to become a collector as there is a good percentage of cigars I am not smoking just because... Not exactly sure why that is...
I've often found myself thinking like this in the past, and there are still times when I say "that's a special cigar and I'm not going to have the time and circumstances to give this smoke the attention I want to give it," or "I've been wanting to smoke this one, but it's too mild for me tonight." But I'm finding more and more that *now* is the time to smoke those sticks that I've been saving.
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