Originally Posted by hotreds
I'm still unconvinced. I sleep one or two nights w/o the machine, and don't find a difference. My machine doesn't tell me anything, I can't control anything except the amount of humidity and the amount of time it takes for the unit to fully blast the air. I imagine if the machine told me I had "x" number of episodes it might make me feel better about the damn thing. Oh, well- I'm glad that it appears to be helping many of you!
I've been using CPAP for a few years now. I can't honestly say that I feel dramatically different than I recall feeling when I didn't use it. I think I've convinced myself that I do, and maybe that's true. But even if it isn't, the health risks associated with apnea (thickening heart walls, increased risk of stroke, etc.) make it worth complying. You can get a new machine that gives you a read out. If that's what it takes, you should do it. Not trying to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong - just trying to stress the seriousness of the condition.