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Old 03-22-2011, 07:30 AM   #1
The Homebrew Hammer
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Default CigarMediaTV & a Cigar Asylum Shoutout

Doug Fiore is a regular at Winston’s Humidor in Richmond, where members of the Virginia Cigar Militia (and guests! ) held a recent herf. Doug writes a regular column for CigarmediaTV, which also produces a weekly two-hour podcast on cigars for Dogwatch Radio (some of you are familiar with Bob & Dale’s show.)

At Saturday’s herf, he & I started talking about the Cigar Asylum, herfs, the VCM, bombs and other assorted things.

And he turned it into a column:

Doug's a cool guy, and I think he did a good job capturing the essence of what we're all about. Let's be grateful for brotherhood, good times, and the ability to pursue our passions!

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