Originally Posted by thenewguy
I am currently deployed, and on my last deployment we used to have a ritual of having a cigar after each successful mission. I had a buddy that had a shop back home that he would buy them for us, but this go around, he's with another unit. Where are the best places online to shop, and ship overseas where the cigars arrive the freshest? And I am generally new to the cigar world, minus friends recommendations.. Any help is appreciated.
PM on the way.
From my experience, the big name online retailers can get sticks to BN-level FOBs in about 8-10 days. Depending on your mail delivery system, COPs have about a 15 day wait. The condition of the cigars wasn't an issue - nothing arrived dry or unsmokable. We kept most cigars in ziplock bags or tupperware. It all worked well for us.
This was in 2009 and we didn't have as many folks there then as they do now so I dunno how things have changed.