Originally Posted by jonumberone
Had this discussion with Kevin from Winston humidors on Saturday.
He said he keeps his humidor at home in the 63 range, but in the shop he keeps it higher to make the sticks more durable.
He explained that people are constantly coming in and squeezing the sticks and dropping them and the higher RH saves him from losing his stock to busted wrappers.
It made sense to me from a business stand point.
Alot of guys on the boards believe that places like JR's and Holt's mail their cigars a little "wet" because the time in transit could otherwise dry out the cigars. This got me thinking that maybe a wetter cigar holds out better in transit and retail shelves like you stated above. I dunno if that is true, but it makes sense to me. Also, it is a convienient excuse for a shop with higher than normal humidity.