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Old 03-21-2011, 09:24 AM   #122
Sultan of Cigars
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Default Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly View Post
I was a restaurant manager for 15 years. I also cooked, waited tables, bussed tables, did dishes, etc. This has made me OCD about tipping. I never blame the waiter/waitress/delivery person for problems in the kitchen. If they handle the problem correctly, they get the same tip as if everything was perfect. If the kitchen messed up the order bad enough, I'll take it up with the manager. It's not the server's fault. I tend to tip in the 30-60% range. My problem is that my wife and I have some cheapskate friends who take out a calculator and compute a 15% tip no matter how good the service was. I then feel obligated to increase my tip to make up for their cheapskatedness.

For, "average" service I'll just double the tax and round it to the nearest dollar. Better service = better gratuity. There's been times I tip more than the meal.
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