Originally Posted by wayner123
Wayne, in that PDF you cited, under "Temprature is the Key" it states exactly what Adam had said earlier about the temprature at which they fly. Which you disagreed with (quoted below)
Originally Posted by T.G
Once you start getting close to 70F, you're into the risk zone and the beetles have to fly to mate and they won't form wings at temps less than 71.5F, so over that, and you can start perpetuating multiple generations of the lil' bastards.
Originally Posted by wayner123
While I agree with you, I doubt you have people opening your humidor, coolidor, etc all day long. I think that some shops which have high humidity are trying to combat the fluctuations. However, they are going about it in the wrong way, imo.
My point was more towards temperature than RH%, but to your point I understand fluctuations from the door being constantly opened, but why does it have to be like a tropical green house in there, with condensation dripping down the windows?
And why is it so goddamn hot in there?!?!?
"One fart can foul the air for everyone" - Esteemed philosopher
"If avoiding the nasty $hit is being a snob, them I am guilty as charged."- Same esteemed philosopher.