Thread: Bugs are Bad
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Old 03-21-2011, 08:10 AM   #17
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Default Re: Bugs are Bad

Originally Posted by neoflex View Post
Usually it's 75 that you need to start worrying. I went into a local Tinderbox over the weekend and walked into the store and thought it was a bit hot. As I walked into their walk-in it was down right blazing. After walking around a bit the guy working at the store asked if I needed any help and I replied "Just looking thanks." He proceeded to try and inform me of what I should be smoking so I cut him off and mentioned how hot it was in the humidor. He proceeded to tell me that the humidity and the temperature need to marry at 80. So me being a wise @ss and already annoyed that he was trying to tell me what to smoke without even asking what type of cigars I enjoy and basically talking down to me the whole time said "So you don't think 80 percent is too high?" He proceeded to tell me that this is where the temp and humidity should marry. (Sheesh this guy loves to use the word marry when describing humidity and temperature) I decided to play with him some more since clueless people intrigue me and replied with "So beetles being able to hatch above 75 degrees doesn't worry you? I can tell at this point I annoyed him enough and he responded with "Well, we haven't had any beetles hatch on us yet." At this point I think I pissed him off enough that he decided to leave me alone. I did pick up a La Sirena as I have been wanting to try these but being it was like a sponge it will be spending a few weeks out of the humidor to dry out and no where near my cabinet as the temps in their humidor have me a little nervous about ever introducing anything from them in with my stash. I do chat with the manager there from time to time and I saw him yesterday and mentioned it being a bit hot in the humidor and his only response was, "Yeah it's a little humid in there today" This was kind of surprising to me to see how hot and humid it was in there especially since this is their flagship store for Charlotte. The temp gauge on my truck read 77 out in the parking garage which their store leads into and walking out into the garage felt like I just had walked into an air conditioned room compared to their store. It was that bad.
The local cigar humidor here in Leavenworth, KS is a suprisingly well-stocked walk-in in a convienience store, BUT...the one and only time that I dropped in the humidor I thought that I had walked into the jungles of the Congo. It was easily over 80 degrees and maybe even a bit hotter. The humidity was so high that you could see mist wafting through the air. My wife and I were visibly wet when we left the humidor. I have NEVER seen anything like this before.

Oh, and we saw several boxes with mold. In one instance, mold completely covered the cigars displayed in one box. Maybe if I am feeling up to it, I will go in there with a camera and document the poor state of this humidor. Hopefully, they have changed their humidification process.
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