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Old 03-21-2011, 07:30 AM   #119
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Default Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Silound View Post
What you don't understand is that even if you didn't like the service, those people are still SERVING YOU. They are bringing you drinks, they are bringing you food, they are cleaning up after you, they still have to tip out the bartenders and host at the end of the night, regardless of whether or not you tipped them. This isn't a commission based system, it's not even remotely close to that. The restaurant still made a sale, you still paid them. That man that didn't tip me? He COST me $14.

When you don't leave a tip, you are in effect stealing from that server by costing them tip-out.

Ive pretty much stayed out of this discussion because I have mixed feelings on this subject.

To quote Steve Martin in My Blue Heaven- "I dont believe in tipping, I believe in over-tipping".

Best service I ever received, from a waiter at Kowloon Restaurant (Chinese), Saugus, MA 1999. Food and drink total- about $23. Tip- $25. (yes, our server made our dining experience THAT memorable)

Worst service Friendlies Restaurant, Enfield, CT- February 2011 about 2pm. Got seated immediately as it was after lunch and the crow was thin. Waitress finally came over after 10 minutes and took our drink, appetizer, and entree orders (we waited long enough and had a starving 4 year old). Chocolate milk for my son, and ice water for my wife appeared after about 10 minutes, my strawberry fribble (like a milkshake) still hadnt come.

An HOUR later, I finally asked the hostess if our food and my shake was ready yet. She (the hostess mind you) brought out our appetizers and they were ICE COLD. My fribble still nowhere to be seen. I allowed my 4 year old to dig into a quesedilla and told my wife I was going to speak to the manager. Went up to the front and asked for the manager and discreetly told him that we had been waiting an hour for our appetizers, and when they came out they were cold. The manager just kinda shrugged. So at that, I told him we were leaving. I was so pissed off that the manager didnt even apologize we walked out without paying the tab.

Now Ive worked in the food industry my entire life, I know when its a kitchen issue. Cold food is most certainty NOT the fault of the kitchen. Had the food been slow, but piping hot, I wouldnt have fretted. But I know cold food means the server left it sitting under the lights so long that even the heat lamps couldnt help. I should also note that as we were being seated I overheard a woman commenting to her son in the booth behind us "an hour wait for a freaking sandwich is ridiculous." This appeared to be a common theme with our waitress.

So according to your logic I still should have left a tip, because the $hitty waitress had to tip out the busboy???

And I dont know about the restaurant you work at, but every restaurant that I know of tip outs are based on percentages, 10% busboy, 15-20% bartender is the standard around this area. So if the server has a bad night tip wise they arent taking money out of their pockets to tip out. I believe Lumpy was saying something similar.

The actual term is "Gratuity", a "tip" is a thank-you for good service. It should not be expected for lousy service. All servers have off days, where they just arent up to snuff, but why is that my problem as a customer?

At the bakery and caffe I have some customers that tip religiously, and some dont. I dont expect them to, unless they are provided with exceptional service, which I try to insist on. And still I dont get upset if they dont tip. I dont pay my employees server wage so anything extra is all gravy. And I dont keep tips anyway, it goes into the tip bucket and the girls split it up.

"One fart can foul the air for everyone" - Esteemed philosopher
"If avoiding the nasty $hit is being a snob, them I am guilty as charged."- Same esteemed philosopher.
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