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Old 03-19-2011, 12:43 PM   #3
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Default Re: Gas grill recomendations

Hard to beat the durability of the Weber Genesis gas grills, but I don't really care for their left to right burner design which makes having a cool zone rather difficult, I much prefer front to back burner design when dealing with gas (which isn't often, thankfully).

I would suggest checking if there is a BBQ Galore dealer in your area and seeing if they still carry/manufacture the more modestly priced units. I have one of their old 4-burner Cook-On grills, which was fantastic as a gas grill, I used the heck out of it for years, I would typically burn about 20lb of propane a month until I got tired of food that didn't have any flavor.

I also hear good things about the higher end Brinkmann stuff, but I haven't used them that much to form any real opinion.

The grill guy on actually seems to have some solid reviews and I noticed that he will call a grill out for being junk or poorly designed, unlike some of the other reviewers there.
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