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Old 03-19-2011, 08:43 AM   #40
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Default Re: Delivery Pizza Complaints

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Former pizza delivery guy for years here.

Only one tip I will give you.....................TIP.

We don't forget tippers.
In fact, we make it a point to remember very well those that are good tippers.

Your pizza will always arrive hot.
You will be first in line even if out of the way.

Those that don't tip?
Those that don't tip and on top of that are a..holes?

You don't want to know the stories of what their pizza endures while on route.
So true-I remember one house completely out of the way that ordered pizza at least once a week. Never tipped. Their pizza would get tossed in the back of the car out of the bag and get delivered an hour later.
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