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Old 03-18-2011, 06:00 AM   #114
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Mobile Stogie moving to new owner!

For the past few days we have been adding cigars to the database. We did small amounts first and finally, last night we finished the job. The next time you update your database you will find over 9,500 unique cigars in the Mobile Stogie App. This applies to people with any version of the app.

As I promised, I am announcing this here first. With the people who have Ken's version in mind, I have lowered the price of Mobile Stogie by Cigar Research version 3.0 for next week. From Mar 21-24 you will be able to buy the app for half price. All you have to do is go to the app store and buy the app as usual. You will see that on those days the price has been lowered. The price you see is the price you will pay so wait until you see that it has gone down in price.

I, and my friends, have been working very hard on this app update. I hope that if you are happy with all the new features and the huge number of cigars now in the database, that you will leave a positive review in iTunes. It makes a big difference. Also, there have been a couple negative comments that I am trying to counteract. One said there was no search feature when there was. And the others were written during the transition when we were struggling to get our first updated version out.

Anyway, thanks for your continued support and I hope that you enjoy the update. If you have any corrections to suggest to me, please send it to That is the only place I am certain to see it.

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