Founders day was a success arrived very early with chairs and cooler and cigar case in hand in hand by 9:00am over 600 people in line and still coming opened the doors at 11:00am met people from New York, Georgia, north Carolina, Oregon California ,Florida, Montana , Minnesota, Wisconsin ,Boston, canada we shared so much beer was amazing. By 9:30 my son told me we had to stop drinking beer, we were in and bought our allocation in ten minutes got a table and drank Kbs on tap till 4:00 they had 2009,2010,2011,(2011 nitrous) all on tap 2009was gone in 20min 2010 was gone in first hour but be leave me we drank our share what a fun day. Next up Dark Lord can’t wait
Beers I wrote down tasted
Abyss- 2008,2009,2010
Goose Island-Rare Vanilla ,Coffee, Night Stalker, Bourbon County 2008,2009,2010
Kate the Great
Chocolate Rain
Sexual Chocolate
Lost Abby
Brooklyn Black Ops
Dark Lord 2008,2009,2010
There were others that I don’t recall the names including some sours that were great too much beer too little time.
And I stopped drinking at 9:30 and did not start again till 11:30 on Kbs