Originally Posted by Sawyer
I just got two Solofill cups for my Keurig. After a little experimentation with fill level and grind, I am getting pretty damn good coffee out of my Keurig. Which is saying a lot. Works about a hundred times better than the My K-cup. It is definitely on par with a really good regular drip machine and definitely surpasses regular K-cups. Not quite as good as a french press, but it is definitely quicker and cleaner.
How does it work better than the My k-cup? It's essentially the same thing, right? IMO, the down side to the My k-cup is washing that screen out. Is the plastic filter easier to clean? I would think that it would be, but then it's a trade off as it would onto stains/flavors more.
The regular K-cups imo are awesome. I have had a few bad coffee's but that's not the fault of the K-Cup, it's more a fault of the blend/roast.