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Old 03-17-2011, 09:33 AM   #2712
Licking my wounds
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Default Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by thecatch83 View Post
Hey Rick, did you season your cedar trays before placing them inside your coolidor, or in your coolidor before you introduced cigars? The reason I ask, I just added four trays to my 56 ct. coolidor and my digital dropped to 50% from 65% in five hours. I filled up a small bowl of distilled water and placed it in the middle tray and hopefully this will stabilize my RH over the next few days.
when I put in wood boxes it dropped for a lil for awhile too then just threw boling distilled water in it awhile then filled up the boxes with the cigars and put the beads bvack in maintains humi now unless i add anoither new box then drops for awhile then brings back up
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