Doctors are people just like you and me, and who knows how long it's been since they read about cigar smokers and cancer/mortality incidence? My father's a physician, and even when my mother tells me that one night of drinking (I assume she means binge drinking) will cause liver cirrhosis, he doesn't try to correct her when he knows that that's just absurd. An analogous thing with physicians; they can full well tell you that "cigar smoking is bad" because in reality, it is. The comparison done is to a non-smoker, which is reasonable. But in the grand scheme of things, smoking a cigar isn't nearly as bad as smoking cigarettes, or dipping or chewing tobacco. If you're going to smoke something, it might as well be the least harmful in my opinion (and the best tasting too!).
Plus, my philosophy is, I'd rather live to 40 doing what makes me happy than live to 80 as a non-drinking non-smoking no fun type of person
I'll be a doctor some day (God willing), and though I might have to tell a patient the risks of cigar smoking, I full well will not chastise them for their choice to do what they (and I) love. If it's dip/chew/cigarettes, that might be a different story...