Re: Dr. right or wrong
Doctors are funny, what they are in their personal life reflects what they do in their life as a medical prof.
If they are finger-wagging busy-bodies in their personal life, that's the kind of doctor they are. If they are
pretty laid back, they tend to be more realistic about things. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THE SAME MEDICINE they
practice, but one sees a threat, one doesn't. Here are the facts. If you hold your cigar in your fingers between
puffs, you are good. If you hold it in your mouth and smoke or hold it in there only grabbing it to puff, you
are likely to get cancer of the lips and mouth. If you often find yourself getting queasy after smoking,
you might be more susceptible to mouth and esophageal cancer becasue somehow you are ingesting too much
tobacco juice. There is risk in all tobacco. Saying cigars are the same and perhaps even more damaging than
cigarettes is irresponsible and wrong.