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Old 03-14-2011, 09:03 PM   #1
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Dr. right or wrong

Not sure if this belongs here or general discusion. A buddy of mine went to the Dr's today because he felt numbness in his arm yesterday so just as a precaution he went there. When the Dr asked him if he smoked he said no but his soon to b wife said yes je smokes cigars. The Dr told him that cigars are just as bad as cigarettes maybe even worse because of stronger tobacco. He said even thou you don't inhale you still do especially if you are a ex cigarette smoker. Now I've quit smokin cigarettes probably 6 yrs ago, during winter I have 1 maybe 2 per week, when it's nice out I'll prob have one once a day. When I go all week without having a cigarette I don't jones for it, I look forward to it but not jones like a cigarette when I smoked a pack a day. My buddy pretty mu h only smokes when he's with me but I just can't see the comparison, what are your thoughts.
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