Re: AT&T has lost their minds
Once upon a time I used to install U-verse in Northwest Akrkansas (2008-2009) for AT&T.
I use wireless for my primary ISP. I had satellite up until a few months ago but the 24 hour data cap that HughesNet uses was killing me for school. So i got Verizon as via their cell system and it works quite nice save for the 10 gig per billing period limit. Every month I'm skating by within 50 meg of hitting my limit.
U-verse takes a fiber optic cable and runs it to a DSLAM in your neighborhood (unless your one of the fortunate few to have Fiber going to your house) After that DSLAM it runs on the existing telephone lines to your home.
Each home has a dedicated pairing, that goes back to the node, which of course is converted to fiber optic.
What I'm trying to say without getting too technical is, Until it gets back to the main switch your not sharing allocation of data or voice with anyone. Your RG does all the translation. The RG gives you the Voice over IP, your Television, and your HPNA (if the installer was foolish/lazy enough to use Coax). It basically turns your home in to a sort of a networked Home theater is a good way of explaining it. Again no lines being shared, no data being passed and while the HPNA system works on a TDMA schema thats only within your home not your neighborhood.
In short, this charge is just a way for Randal Stephenson Mr. "People in America are too Stupid to work for us so I have to outsource to India" to make another buck.
Makes me glad I quit heh