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Old 03-13-2011, 08:16 PM   #3
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Default Re: AT&T has lost their minds

Why would they put a cap on the users of UVerse? I mean all movies on demand are set via the internet right on uverse? Will that count as data as well. As I understand it the saved shows from your DVR is stored remotly as well.

While i understand in theory what they want to do, I would also like to see the numbers. I find it hard to believe the 2% of the customers are slowing down the system in any way. IF cost is an issue, the other 98% would be recovering the cost of the power users.....

Curious as to what the real motivation is here...seems to me they just want to make more money in any way they can...

Still not as bad as Verizon, having an unlimited plan but saying in fine print cap was at 5gb. Then they took it down to 3gb for a cheaper monthly fee and charged overages at outrageous rates. something like .10 per meganyte or thats $100.00 a gigabyte....

Voise no longer makes money, txt's bring in a lot of dough, but not so much now that you can get unlimited...Phones are locked so you have to by vz apps from their store, now they are going for the money hole in data....

Rather than nit pick fees, provide a great device / service that allows the owner of the device to do what they want with it. Create a great experience. ever been toa VZ store lately, horrible experience. Make the VZ brand and store a place peope want to go, a place that has innovating tech things...That will bring in more money than nickel and diming everyone which untimatly looses customers....

Sorry for the typos and rambling, tired and off to bed....

Last edited by Starz26; 03-13-2011 at 08:23 PM.
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