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Old 03-11-2011, 07:58 PM   #32
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Default Re: Home Protection Firearm

Originally Posted by kydsid View Post
The users familarity with the firearm matters more in a moment of panic and stress than what the weapon actually is. a stressful situation, you will instinctively revert back to your training...or lack of training. Frequent, proper training/practice is essential. For instance, if you will keep the thumb safety a handgun engaged while it is idle, practice disengaging the safety before each burst of fire.

For ammunition, as some have suggested, look for rounds (for indoor home protection) that will stop the threat without continuing long distances past the threat after impact.

Outside the home, a Glock is a good choice for a handgun for a beginner in that it is "double - double action" and has the added safety feature of the trigger safety. I would also suggest at least .40 caliber for adequate stopping power. A more experienced shooter may choose something like what I carry off duty, a Sig Sauer .45 caliber, which has "double -single action", which gives me more accuracy on subsequent rounds in stressful situations. Ideally, you would try several handguns at a range before purchasing to see what you are most comfortable with.

Again echoing others' sentiments, shotguns arer a good choice for in-home protection.....and an AR-15 for riot-control on your property couldn't hurt.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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