Originally Posted by Zeuceone
also do some research on ammo. some ammo can keep on trveling threw walls.
Great point if you have children or others sleeping in other rooms! Beware of collateral damage.
Originally Posted by Bruins Fan
12 gauge shotgun,nothing more scarier to a bad guy then a pump gun being racked.
AGREED! MY dad has scared off people in his back yard with this approach without confronting them
Originally Posted by bvilchez
I applaud your concerns for safety. Do as much research as you can. AFTER you have taken a firearms safety class I would suggest going to a range where you have the option of shooting various calibers such as the .40 and 9mm.
If you are going to have it at home I would suggest your wife taking the class as well and going with you to try the different options also.
Please do not look into this type of ammo.  There are 5 safety rules I go by:
1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
2. Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you intend to fire.
4. Keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire.
5. Know youor target and what lies beyond.
You might learn something different while at your class but by all means think safety first. By the looks of it you're on the right track.
Excellent points! Point #4 gets to your familiarity with the weapon. It shouldn't be in your house until you and your spouse know how to use it instinctively (worth mentioning I think).
Originally Posted by markem
Everyone. I repeat, everyone, in your home must be trained to handle any firearms in the home. The exception is with minors who cannot be trusted due to age or lack of maturity. Mind you, some adults cannot be trusted due to lack of maturity as well, you make the call.
In my opinion, you should take a firearms safety class followed by at least a firearms self defense class. Self defense shooting is a whole lot different from range shooting. Only then will you know what weapon you feel comfortable with, if any.
Personally, I like an aluminum baseball bat as the first line of defense followed by a short barrel shotgun followed by a handgun with shot shells alternating with hollow points. But that's just me.
Note that any weapon that is within easy reach of you any place you are in the house is within easy reach of a foe. Many times, the person breaking in knows the victim and all their hiding places.
At this point in my life, the best plan I can offer for self defense is a good escape route. I would encourage you to insure everything in your house because they are only things. Save the people with a great plan to get them out of harms way. Also, I would encourage an alarm with a panic button that has a remote control fob that can be worn on the person.
One last thing, in the event that your house is every broken in to, anyone escaping or getting to a window should yell "fire" as loud as they can. Most neighbors will respond to "fire" by calling 911 when they would ignore "help" or similar. At least that's what I'm told by some of my LEO friends.
Sage advice indeed!