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Old 03-11-2011, 05:12 PM   #22
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Default Re: Home Protection Firearm

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol View Post
Shotgun for sure, especially if it comes down to using it. You won't miss in an inside home situation.
You would be surprised to find out how easy it is to miss a target in an inside home situation, even with a shotgun. Extreme close quarters firing with a shotgun must be PRECISE firing. What you failed to realize is that when the shot leaves the barrel of the shotgun, it is not in the spread out pattern that it will be in 15-20 feet or so. When the shot leaves the barrel at that close of a range, it is in an extremely tight grouping. Again, train, train, and train. Take several different loads of rounds out to the range and do some practical shooting at very close distances(if possible, not all ranges allow things like this). Try shooting your selected rounds at a range of 5-10 feet and see what kind of grouping you get. You will be surprised just how accurate you must be to hit a target. Just because you have a shotgun does NOT mean you will automatically hit your target because you are aiming in the general area of the target.
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