Originally Posted by floydpink
Nice gun, but sorta long for me, which is why I chose the Mossberg for easy maneuvering.

PLEASE put a buttstock on that thing. If you can become extremely accurate with it as is, by all means, go ahead and use it. When people go out and buy a pistol gripped shotgun with a short barrel simply because it is short and "tactical", it scares the living hell out of me. I have shot guns all of my life, but the moment I tried this Mossberg, I was terrified that this weapon sells as greatly as it does as difficult as it is get a good picture sight and align with targets quickly. I am not hating on you, but mossberg just scares the hell out of me with some of the guns they make for the masses for "home-defense."
Originally Posted by kydsid
Whatever u are comfortable with and use at the range the most. The users familarity with the firearm matters more in a moment of panic and stress than what the weapon actually is.
Posted via Mobile Device
Originally Posted by awsmith4
An 870 is what I have as well, as Hugh said the pump is enough to send them the other way but it will put a hurting on them if they don't