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Old 03-11-2011, 10:46 AM   #43
Knowhutimean, Vern?
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Default Re: Mike Starr of Alice in Chains Dies

Originally Posted by tobii3 View Post
A sympathy thread for someone who tried to capitalize on their drug addiction by a reality show?

Sympathy for someone who's only "claim to fame" was LEAVING A BAND EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO?

Gimme a break. I have more sympathy for the bugs on my windshield than any drug addict that pisses their life away or suck starts a shotgun.

Some of you act like you knew the guy personally. Please.

Another dead drug addict. Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.

Yeah. We're supposed to feel SORRY for this guy?
I do feel sorry for him and his family. Addiction is a tough thing to get over.

We celebrate Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Michael Jackson, and countless other musicians who had drug problems. I don't see why this case is any different.

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