Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu
Upon further review.... it is.
The coffee stout is one of my all time favorites from them... fresh draft anyway.
I always thought the bottled coffee stout was a bit different for some reason.
This is ok (little o, little k).. the coffee is very pronounced as an aroma, but almost washed out by the raspberry tartness as far as flavor is concerned. That said, it is very hard to distinguish the raspberry as a complete flavor also. Its one of those deals where the two just don't fully cooperate. The coffee and stout aspects are washed out by the tartness. The beer tastes thinner and the tartness of the raspberry appears to detract from the body of the stout. To me it seems like it makes my mouth water a bit due to the tartness, but there isn't a pronounced raspberry.
On a scale of 1-10, I give it a "why?".
I've never been a fruit beer kinda guy. Stout, yes, fruit, no.
Screw it... on to the English IPA!  
Thanks for the review. I just couldn't imagine a raspberry stout. I won't lie I am still curious about the taste and still might have to buy one just to say I did if I can find one.