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Old 03-07-2011, 11:36 AM   #60
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Default Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
This thread is funny, because it shows that there is no pleasing B&M customers, lol. I am with Greg, people are theiving scumbags. (paraphrase) BUT in today's technological environment, there is no excuse for having less than 6 cameras in an average walk-in. You should greet them, then settle down in front of your bank of surveillance monitors to watch their every move, preferably with remote pan, tilt and zoom. Then when they gt to the register, simply ask if they found everything they needed. Charge them for that B-52 or T-38 or F-15 or whatever they put into their pants. If they notice it on their receipt, just ask them if they'd like to see the replay.
Up front, I have no patience for theives. Period. Hang 'em high. No problem here.

Having said that, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about things. I believe that with a little time in the store, maybe nine times out of ten you should be able to tell who is a customer and who is a theif. I have to agree that a bank of cameras and multiple, conspicuous signs saying "Smile, you're on video surveillance" or something to that effect should get the point across. Heck, I don't mind being followed into the humidor and asked if I have any questions, but when I say "no, just looking at what you have in stock" that's your clue to leave me alone.

I know what I want, and if I don't see it, I will ask.

I do realize it's a balancing act; too little attention and you'll get robbed, too much and many guys, like me, will walk and not return. But to say there's " pleasing B&M customers...." just isn't accurate.

One man's opinion - N.F.H.
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