Originally Posted by msayewich
^^^ *100
I wish we up in Canada can still walk into the humidors and look at the products instead of in books.
Is this unique to Ontario? I am from Alberta and I still walk into the Humidor at my local B & M.
Reading these makes me very thankful for my local place, these are some horror stories here. My local owner went as far as to offer to phone my university to vouch about my pipes not being for drugs when I got searched and reported. The only problem I have is me being young and considered immature except that is from other customers and not the owners.
Mind you one tobacco store here hires anyone, regardless if they know anything about cigars at all. I went there once only to be greeted by a 18 year old girl who complained about the smell of the humi and told me to hurry up. Tobacco lovers only please!