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Old 03-07-2011, 10:27 AM   #11
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Default Re: Finally Getting a New Hip!

Originally Posted by RHNewfie View Post
Well, after years and years of the docs telling me to "hold off as long as you can" the time has come, time to get a shiny metal hip put in! I wonder if I can get a bionic one that plays some sort of theme song April 21st can't get here fast enough!

Anyone have experiences with this? Greg (NCRadioMan) and I have spoken about it as our hip conditions are similar and we are both young (I'm 36) so just wondering if there are any other semi-bionic folks around here!! Share your experienc!

And if all goes well I should be back up and moving just in time for herf season!!!
Jeff, I just had my second hip replaced 27 Oct 2010. Are you getting Titanium or Ceramic? Ceramic is said to last about 5-8 yrs longer than the titanium. My only recommendation is to do the Physical Therapy to the fullest. Yes it will suck and will hurt (alot) but in the long run you'll be better off. I had my right hip done Jun 09 and have had nothing but pain for failing to do the PT. I wish you a quick recovery my friend and being pain free isn't a bad thing either.

PS: find out who the maker of the prostetic is, if it's DePuy they are having recalls on them due to failure. Both of mine are made by Striker.
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